Wednesday, June 03, 2009

in Northern Uganda

We are doing well, and have been on the road in Northern Uganda the past few days. Spent some time in the bush and saw an AMAZING work that a pastor there is doing....a church plant with a Christian school, orphanage, farm, etc. It was awesome.

Today we saw elephants, hippos, warthogs, a python, antelope, water buffalo, and baboons, and we were just driving to our hotel- not even on a game drive yet! We also saw Murchisson Falls, which is a huge waterfall feeding into the Victoria Nile (the area of the Nile we're on now). Tomorrow we will head on a safari, and then we'll be back to Kampala for a few more days work before heading home.

I wish I could post some pictures, but there's no wireless here, so I'm on a slow public computer, but I'll get some up when I can.

Thanks for your prayers and for reading!

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