Thursday, June 04, 2009

A few pictures

Hello again from Kampala. We're back here after a few days traveling in Northern Uganda, first to small towns in the "bush," Kagade and Mabaale, where Pastor Frances (I can't remember his last name...a very long African name) has an amazing work that includes a church, Christian school, and an orphan ministry that is taking care of 64 AIDS orphans from the community. The church has a number of projects going to provide for those in their care and provide sustainability to all the work including growing pine trees and coffee trees, collecting rain water for the community in a large tank, and growing other crops and fruit trees. Below is a picture of the church and some of the children at the school.
After our tours of Kagade and Mabaale, we visited Murchison Falls, part of the Ugandan Wildlife park systems. It was beautiful and I was amazed at all the animals we saw! Giraffes, elephants, monkeys, baboons, many different types of antelops, lots of tropical birds, hippos, crocodiles, warthogs, cape buffaloes, etc. I had so much fun seeing them on the grounds of our hotel and around our bus. We also saw Murchison Falls which is a huge, beautiful waterfall feeding from Lake Victoria into the Nile. Below are pictures from the Falls and the safari ride!

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