Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Photos from Kibera Slums

During my time in Nairobi, I was able to tour the Kibera slums with one of the EAFC alum, Beryl Maritim, daughter of EAFC Kenya country coordinator Onesmus Maritim. She studied Environmental Health (similar to Public Health in the States), and we toured with some of her classmates who are working with a sanitation project in the slums. I wrote in a previous post how I was overwhelmed by the depth and breadth of the poverty I saw there, and I wanted to post a few pictures from my visit.

Children hanging out. I cringe to think what is on that child's shoe that is in his mouth due to the poor sanitation.

The slums stretch like this in all directions- over 1 million live there.

Sanitation is very poor in Kibera, leaving filth everywhere.

Every turn looked like this.

A very common mode of transporting goods.

A train coming through the middle of the neighborhood.

Lots of rooftops

Beryl and some of her classmates that gave me a tour.

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