Monday, July 21, 2008

Finishing grad school

I've been back in the States for two months now, but I've been so busy I've haven't had much to post. I went back to New Hampshire and finished up my graduate school classes for my degree in International Community Economic Development, and have been home for about a week, frantically writing my thesis and other reports so I can finally get my degree. There was a graduation ceremony, which was in fact, only ceremonial, as we will receive our degrees pending after getting all our work in and having our thesis accepted.

I'm so thankful for the opportunity I had to learn with people from around the world who have great experience and insight from years of working in development. I feel better equipped with knowledge to work in economic development and am ready to make plans and get back to work!

More updates to come now that I've recently turned in a draft of my thesis and will have more free time!

With my wonderful advisor Catherine Rielly and my parents who made the trip to graduation!
With my classmates- a very international group. Melissa and I were the only Americans!
With my dear friend Melissa.

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