Saturday, May 24, 2008

Last Days in Peru

Surprise Night "Despedida" for the Bakers at the Bradford's house.
At Lenin's 30th birthday party with brothers Lenin and Ludving.
With my ahijada (god-daughter) Grace Maree after her baptism on Mother's Day at Larco.
In the bus station getting ready to leave Trujillo.
My last day in Peru: in Lima.

I recently left Peru to head back to the States. My last few weeks in Peru were great, although very busy and full of good-byes. I've made it back home to Jackson, MS, and will be with my family in Jackson, MS for just a few more days before heading to New England to finish my masters degree in Economic Development at Southern New Hampshire University. It has been wonderful to be home and see friends and family again.

I've posted a few pictures from my last bit of time in Peru.

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