Thursday, April 10, 2008

Savings Group Updates

One of my primary projects in Trujillo has been to establish savings groups in the Arevalo church. The program began small with ten women meeting regularly saving between $1.75 and $7 a week over a three-month period in order to pay for their children's needs at the start of the school year. The group dynamic built trust between the women and has given them hope that they can better provide for their families, while simultaneously breaking the myth of "too poor to save." To celebrate the accomplishments of the group, we held a celebration ceremony in which we invited the community to learn more about the program and hear how the Lord was working through the program.

The group immediately started saving again, this time with much more interest and more participants than before. I hope and pray that this group would be both a spiritual and financial blessing to the women as the group grows and we learn together about stewardship.

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