Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Soccer Game in Trujillo

Here is a video clip from a recent game between Alianza Lima (Peru's favorite team) and Trujillo's Universidad Cesar Vallejo team. Both are professional teams, but the Lima team is far more popular as they have a long tradition, are historically Peru's best team, and often compete internationally. Cesar Vallejo is a relatively young team (only a few years old) so they didn't get the home-town support you'd expect. The video is a bit shaky, but you can get a good idea of what the stadium was like after Allianza Lima scored a goal off a penalty quick- flares went off, the riot police were running around (someone jumped on the field then quickly climbed the fence and jumped back over when the police came after him), and there was generally craziness. A good time was had by all.

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