Monday, February 18, 2008

Valentine's Week

With friends at the Sociedad San Agustin dinner.

With friends at Elva's house

With friends Elva and Tania at Wichanzao

In Peru, they love to celebrate any occasion, including Valentine's Day. Actually, here, it's more like Valentine's week. Here is is called "El Dia de Amistad y Amor" meaning the "Day of Friendship and Love." They actually celebrate the friendship aspect of it just as much, if not more than the love aspect. It started the Saturday before Valentine's with a dinner at the Wichanzao church with their youth group. On Wednesday night, there was a couples dinner at Arevalo. I went (solo!) at the request of Noemi, Pastor Eduardo's wife, to help serve the dinner. On Valentine's Day, there was a SALI party and a party at the house of my good friend Elva. On Friday, there was a Valentine's dinner with our university group, Sociedad San Agustin. I've included a few pictures from the fun week of celebration.

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