Monday, November 05, 2007

Peruvian Birthday

Hello everyone- hope all is well. A few weeks ago, I celebrated my birthday, and I was
blessed with a number of celebrations- I've included a few pictures from them. My friends from the Larco church here gave me a birthday party complete with dinner, singing, cake (then cake-in-the face, something they're fond of at parties here), then LOTS of games, all with their own "castigos" (punishments). The "castigos" generally meant doing something embarrassing- like learning a new Peruvian dance with everyone cheering you on (or laughing at you- couldn't figure out which one they were doing more of). I felt very much indoctrinated into life here- I've attended many such birthday parties, but felt like part of the culture when everything was directed at me...and I survived to tell about it. Life here is lots of fun, and never short of entertainment!

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